Wednesday, October 19, 2011

It's Official!

Just got the call from the neurologist.  All of the tests show that she has narcolepsy, so she has a diagnosis.  She has the genetic marker that 20-40% of the population has but most don't develop narcolepsy.  She fell asleep on average 1.6 minutes after laying down during the daytime nap test and she fell into REM sleep 3 out of 5 of the naps.  That was a shocking statistic.   I mean I watch it happen all the time but to hear that in less then 2 minutes she can fall asleep, that was crazy. 

The good news is that she did not have any signs of obstructed sleep apnea so we won't be going through a surgery to remove her tonsils and adenoids.  That was a relief and she even smiled when we told her that news.  She does snore and talk in her sleep though but those are minor concerns.

So what now you say.  Well she is going on a low dose of  Provigil which I am happy to say is not a stimulant like Ritalin or Adderall or an anti-depressant.  Well it is a stimulant but it has minor side affects, is not habit forming, and seems to be highly touted for staying alert and awake during the day.  She is going on the lowest dose and only taking one pill a day. 

Strangely nothing seems different.  I mean I wasn't shocked by the diagnosis.  I would have been shocked to hear it wasn't narcolepsy.    It will be trial and error from here on out though as far as medication goes.  Here's hoping it works.

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